Welcome to BigMarker Integration API Doc
The BigMarker API allows you to manage your channel and conferences of your channel. With the BigMarker API you can:
- List conferences for your channel
- Create conferences for your channel
- Edit conferences in your channel
- Delete conferences from your channel
- Register users to conferences in your channel
- Unregister users from conferences in your channel
- Attend conferences in your channel from your own website
The BigMarker API is organized around REST. Our API is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and HTTP response codes that indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.
To make any BigMarker API call, you must first get your BigMarker API-KEY. There are 2 ways to get your API key:
Method 1: Go to your user’s settings page to request an API key.
Method 2: You can use this login API call to retrieve your API-KEY.
Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
Login example
curl -i -X POST --data "email=youremail@email.com&password=yourpassword" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/members/login
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Make sure to replace
with your email and password.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
String | Required | Email address you used to create your BigMarker account | |
password | String | Required | Your password used with your email to log into BigMarker.com |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
api_token | String | API key for authentication. |
Once you obtain your api_token, your api_token will be your API-KEY as authentication for all API calls by including it in the header. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | authentication_error | Authentication failed. Invalid email and/or password. |
401 | no_api_token_avilable | You do not have a valid API token. Please request one by contacting support@bigmarker.com |
Manage Conferences
Show Conference
You can use this API call to show information for a conference.
To get conference information
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Conference id |
title | String | Conference title |
type | String | Type of Webinar (eg: Evergreen, On-Demand etc) |
copy_webinar_id | String | Id of webinar from which the copy has to be created |
master_webinar_id | String | Gives master webinar Id, if the current webinar is a child webinar. |
max_attendance | Integer | Maximum number of attendees that can be hosted |
purpose | String | Conference purpose |
start_time | String | Conference start date and time |
duration | Integer | Length of conference (in minutes) |
conference_address | String | Conference URL |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
webcast_mode | String | Acceptable values: ‘automatic’, 'require’, 'optional’. Default value: 'automatic’ |
presenter_exit_url | String | The site presenters are redirected to after the conference is over. |
end_time | String | Webinar end time |
moderator_open_time | String | Time at which the conference is open for admins. |
audience_open_time | String | Time at which the conference is open for audience. |
first_admin_enter_time | String | First admin enter-time. |
manual_end_time | String | Manual end time, if any. |
sub_url | String | Sub URL of the conference. If the whole URL is www.bigmarker.com/channel/example-conference, the sub URL is “example-conference”. |
dial_in_information | Object | Dial-in information, including dial-in number, id, and passcode |
presenters | Array | List of presenters, with email, name, and member ID |
privacy | String | Whether the conference is public or private |
exit_url | String | The site attendees are redirected to after the conference is over. |
enable_registration_email | Boolean | Whether registration confirmation and reminder emails are enabled or disabled |
enable_knock_to_enter | Boolean | True if attendees have to knock in order to enter the room |
send_reminder_emails_to_presenters | Boolean | Sends reminder emails to presenters when true |
show_reviews | Boolean | Whether reviews are displayed or hidden |
enable_review_emails | Boolean | Whether review emails or enabled or disabled |
can_view_poll_results | Boolean | Whether poll results are visible or hidden |
enable_ie_safari | Boolean | True if attendees can enter a conference using Internet Explorer or Safari |
enable_twitter | Boolean | Enables Twitter integration that displays all the Tweets from a specific Hashtag. |
auto_invite_all_channel_members | Boolean | Enables automatic invites to all channel subscribers after 24 hours. |
recorded | Boolean | True if conference is recorded. |
registration_required_to_view_recording | Boolean | True if registration is required to view a recording |
who_can_watch_recording | String | Gets the view permission of recordings. |
show_handout_on_page | Boolean | Shows handouts on page when true |
background_image_url | String | Background image URL |
room_logo | String | URL of Bigroom logo, if exists. |
webhook_url | String | BigMarker will send a POST request to this URL with new registration data. |
enable_closed_caption | Boolean | Enables closed captioning in live webinar |
cc_original_language | String | Language that the closed captioning will listen for. Acceptable Values: 'English_US’, 'English_UK’, 'German’, 'Spanish’, 'Japanese’, 'Korean’, 'French’, 'Portuguese’, 'Chinese_Simplified’, 'Chinese_Traditional’, 'Russian’. Default value : 'English_US’. |
cc_display_language | String | Language that the closed captioning will display in. Acceptable Values: 'English’, 'German’, 'Spanish’, 'Japanese’, 'Korean’, 'French’, 'Portuguese’, 'Chinese’, 'Russian’, 'Italian’, 'Norweigan’. Multiple values can be selected by using commas to separate, for example: “English,German”. |
enable_breakout_rooms | Boolean | Enables Breakout Rooms to be used for this webinar. true/false |
enable_breakout_time | Boolean | Enables Breakout Rooms to be closed after a set amount of time. true/false |
breakout_time_limit | Integer | Time limit for Breakout Rooms. Set in minutes |
breakout_mode | String | Sets the live expreience mode for all breakout rooms. Acceptable values: 'Interactive’, 'Webcast’. Default value: “Interactive”. |
allow_breakout_mic | Boolean | Enables attendees to share Microphone in interactive breakout rooms. Defaults to true |
allow_breakout_cam | Boolean | Enables attendees to share Camera in interactive breakout rooms. Defaults to true |
allow_breakout_screen | Boolean | Enables attendees to share screen in interactive breakout rooms. Defaults to false |
allow_breakout_whiteboard | Boolean | Enables attendees to draw on a whiteboard in interactive breakout rooms. Defaults to false |
allow_breakout_slide | Boolean | Enables attendees to upload slides in interactive breakout rooms. Defaults to false |
main_room_return | Boolean | Enables attendees to return to the main webinar room from the breakout rooms at any time. Defaults to false |
unnassigned_attendee | String | Determines how unassigned attendees will enter the breakout rooms. Accepted values: 'Random’, 'Manual’, 'Stay’. Defaults to “Manual”. |
unnassigned_presenter | String | Determines how unassigned presenters will enter the breakout rooms. Accepted values: 'Random’, 'Manual’, 'Stay’. Defaults to “Stay”. |
breakout_room_total | String | Determines the number of breakout rooms. Acceptable values 1 to 50 |
time_zone | String | Conference time zone |
tags | Array | Names and values of webinar tags associated with the webinar. |
auto_publish_time | String | The scheduled time when the recording will be automatically published |
auto_unpublish_time | String | The scheduled time when the recording will be automatically unpublished |
last_publish_time | String | The last time the recording was published |
last_unpublish_time | String | The last time the recording was unpublished |
is_recording_published | Boolean | Checks if the recording is currently published |
If the conference has ended and a recording is available, the following parameters will also be returned:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recording_url | String | URL of the recording file |
recording_iframe | String | Embed code for the recording |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Channel Not Found!”} |
List Conferences
You can use this API call to get conferences from your channels.
To get all conferences belonging to all of your channels.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"conferences": [{
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
page | String | Optional | The page number of the list. | |
role | String | Optional | Filter by member roles | all (default), hosting, attending |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many per page to fetch. | Defaults to 20 |
type | String | Optional | Filter by conference type | future (default), past, all, multiple_times, future_do_not_include_happening, future_with_24_hour_room, past_with_recording, always_open, happening_now |
query | String | Optional | Search conference title. | |
start_time | String | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. Result conferences start time are happening after this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. | |
end_time | String | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. Result conferences end time are before this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. | |
include_series | Boolean | Optional | If set true, it will only return series |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | Array of conferences |
current_page | Integer | Current Page |
per_page | Integer | Conferences per page |
total_pages | Integer | Total pages |
total_entries | Integer | Total entries |
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Search Conferences
You can use this API call to search for conferences from all of your channels.
To search conferences belonging to all of your channels.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/search' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"conference_ids":"xxxxxx,xxxxxx", "start_time":"1548284400", "end_time":"1548291480"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
title | String | Optional | The title of your conference, maximum length 100 characters. | |
start_time | String | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. Result conferences start time are happening after this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. | |
end_time | String | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. Result conferences end time are before this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. | |
conference_ids | String | Optional | String of conference id, separate id with comma. For example: “xxxxx1, xxxxx2”. | |
presenter_member_ids | String | Optional | String of member id, separate id with comma. For example: “xxxxx1, xxxxx2”. | |
role | String | Optional | Filter by member roles | hosting attending all |
type | String | Optional | Filter by conference type | evergreen_parent evergreen_child recurring_parent recurring_child meetingspace ondemand live_webinar webcast |
page | String | Optional | The page number of the list. | |
per_page | String | Optional | How many conferences per page to fetch. | |
webinar_tags | Array | Optional | Only return conferences with these tag values | [{tag_name_1: tag value 1}, {tag_name_2: tag value 2}] |
channel_ids | String | Optional | This parameter allows users to specify channel IDs from which to retrieve the webinars. When provided, the API will return webinars only from the listed channels. | channel1,channel2,channel3 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | Array of conferences |
Each conference has the following parameters:
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Parameter format Error | 401 | {“error”:“Parameter start_time need to be Unix Timestamp”} |
Parameter format Error | 401 | {“error”:“Parameter end_time need to be Unix Timestamp”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Get Associated Sessions
You can use this API call get all the child conferences for a webinar.
To get all child conferences
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/get_associated_sessions/:conference_id
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"conferences": [{
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. | |
page | String | Optional | The page number of the list. | |
per_page | String | Optional | How many conferences per page to fetch. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | Array of conferences |
current_page | Integer | Current Page |
per_page | Integer | Conferences per page |
total_pages | Integer | Total pages |
total_entries | Integer | Total entries |
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Search Recurring Conferences
You can use this API call to search for child conferences of a recurring conference.
To search recurring child conferences belonging to a recurring conference.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xx" "https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/recurring/:conference_id?start_time=1548284400&&end_time=1548284400"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Parent recurring conference |
start_time | String | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. Result conferences start time are happening after this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. |
end_time | String | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. Result conferences end time are before this parameter. Time format is Unix Timestamp, for example: “1548893746”, represent “01/31/2019 @ 12:15am (UTC)”. |
page | String | Optional | The page number of the list. |
per_page | String | Optional | How many conferences per page to fetch. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
child_conferences | Array | Array of conferences |
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Not Find Error | 401 | {“error”:“This is not a recurring conference.”} |
Parameter format Error | 401 | {“error”:“Parameter start_time need to be Unix Timestamp”} |
Parameter format Error | 401 | {“error”:“Parameter end_time need to be Unix Timestamp”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Create a Conference
To create a new conference for channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"channel_id": "your_channel_id","title": "This is your conference title"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"max_attendance": 100,
"purpose": "To be great",
{"tag_api_name":"tag value"},{"tag_api_name":"United Arab Emirates,Germany"}
You can use this API call to create a new conference for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | The channel ID that you want to create this conference for. |
title | String | Required | The title of your conference, maximum length 100 characters. |
conference_copy_id | String | Optional | The ID from the conference/template to be copied |
presenter_exit_url | String | Optional | The site presenters are redirected to after the conference is over. |
sub_url | String | Optional | Sub URL of the conference. If the whole URL is www.bigmarker.com/channel/example-conference, the sub URL is “example-conference”. |
enable_dial_in | Boolean | Optional | True if conference dial-in should be enabled, defaults to false if conference dial-in should be disabled. |
purpose | String | Optional | A description of your conference |
time_zone | String | Optional | The time zone of your start time. Please visit the Time Zones section for a list of acceptable values. Defaults to ‘Central Time (US & Canada)’ |
room_logo | String | Optional | A URL to the image to the room logo |
conference_logo | String | Optional | A URL to the image to the landing page logo |
apply_conference_logo_to_channel | Boolean | Optional | whether the conference logo is being used as the channel logo |
room_sub_title | String | Optional | Sub title for room. |
schedule_type | String | Optional | Use either “24_hour_room” for a meeting space or “one_time” for a webinar. Use “multiple_times”. only when it’s a recurring webinar. Apply it together with "recurring_start_time”. |
start_time | String | Optional | The start time of your conference (required if a one time webinar is being created). For example: “2020-01-01 15:00”. |
recurring_start_times | Array | Optional | Array of recurring start times. JSON format: [“20xx-xx-xx 15:00:00+02:00”,“20xx-xx-xx 16:00:00+02:00”],Make sure to apply “schedule_type":“multiple_times” together with it to make sure the api call applies without error. |
webcast_mode | String | Optional | Acceptable values: 'automatic’, 'required’, 'optional’. Default value: 'automatic’ |
duration_minutes | String | Optional | Duration of the event in minutes. Range 1 to 720 minutes. Default is 60 minutes. |
who_can_watch_recording | String | Optional | Set the view permission of the recordings. Acceptable values: 'everyone’, 'channel_admin_only’, 'channel_subscribers’,'attendees’,'attendees_registrants’. Default value: 'everyone’ |
presenter_advanced_enter_time | String | Optional | Accepts values: '60’, '120’ and '180’. Default is set to '60’. |
attendee_advanced_enter_time | String | Optional | Accepts values: '15’, '30’. Default is set to '15’. |
privacy | String | Optional | Defaults to 'public’ if the event is to be listed publicly, 'private’ if the event should be kept private. |
webinar_format | String | Optional | Acceptable values: 'webinar’, 'livestream’, 'on_demand’. Default is 'webinar’ |
ondemand_video_url | String | Optional | Provide a MP4 video url. |
enable_knock_to_enter | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to false so attendees do not have to knock to join the room. Set this to true to enable knocking to enter. |
registration_conf_emails | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true to send registration confirmation and reminder emails, false if these emails should not be sent. Warning: These emails contain vital information for members, including personalized event links and webinar information. |
send_notification_emails_to_presenters | Boolean | Optional | Whether reminder emails should be sent to presenters. Defaults to true. |
send_reminder_emails_to_presenters | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true to send reminder emails to admin and presenters of this conference. |
show_reviews | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true if reviews should be displayed, false if reviews should be hidden. |
review_emails | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true if review emails should be sent to attendees, false if review emails should be disabled. |
poll_results | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true so attendees can see poll results, false if poll results should be hidden. |
enable_ie_safari | Boolean | Optional | Set to true so attendees can enter the event using Safari or Internet Explorer 11 (in beta). Defaults to false to disable this feature. |
enable_twitter | Boolean | Optional | Enables Twitter integration that displays all the Tweets from a specific Hashtag. Defaults to true. |
send_cancellation_email | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true to notify all registrants that a conference was cancelled. Set this to false to prevent these notifications. |
webhook_url | String | Optional | URL to send new conference registration info to. |
exit_url | String | Optional | The site attendees are redirected to after the conference is over. |
enable_create_webinar_reg_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the Webinar can accept new registrations via Webhook. Defaults to “False” |
enable_new_reg_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for new registrations is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” |
new_reg_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the New Registration Webhook |
enable_webinar_start_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar start is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
webinar_start_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Webinar Start Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_waiting_room_open_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar opening from waiting room is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
waiting_room_open_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Waiting Room Open Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_webinar_end_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar end is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
webinar_end_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Webinar End Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_live_attendee_data_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for sending live attendee data is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
live_attendee_data_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Live Attendee Data Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_on_demand_viewer_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for sending the on demand viewer data is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
on_demand_viewer_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the On Demand Viewer Webhook (enterprise only) |
registration_required_to_view_recording | Boolean | Optional | Set if registration is required to view the recording. Default value: true |
channel_admin_id | String | Optional | ID of the main conference presenter; defaults to the original channel admin. To get the channel admin IDs use the View Channel Admins API. https://docs.bigmarker.com/#view-channel-admins. |
background_image_url | String | Optional | URL of conference background image. Recommended size is 1920 by 640. |
room_sub_title | String | Optional | Room sub title |
room_type | String | Optional | Sets room type: “1” as “free for all, everyone is an admin, with full access to admin controls”. “attendee_as_presenter” as “Attendees can enter the room as presenters”. “attendee_mic_and_cam” as “Attendees can share mics and webcams”.Default value is only presenters can share mics, webcams, and content. |
display_language | String | Optional | Set the display language on landing page and webinar room. (Please get the language name from the Edit Webinar Section). |
show_handout_on_page | Boolean | Optional | Set show handout files on the webinar landing page, this only applies for classical template. Default value: false. |
banner_filter_percentage | String | Optional | Accept values: 0 to 0.6. for adjustment of title banner filter. Default value: 0. |
icon | String | Optional | A URL to the image to webinar’s preview image. |
webinar_tags | Array | Optional | webinar_tags:[{“tag_api_name”:“tag value”},{“tag_api_name”:“United Arab Emirates,Germany”}] |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conference | JSON Object | Created conference |
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Update a Conference
To update a conference from your channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"title": "Lead Generation 101", "purpose":"How to generate leads with great content"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx",
"title": "Conference Title",
"purpose": "Conference description and purpose",
"start_time": "2015-11-01 14:00",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_url",
"tag_api_name":"tag value"},{"tag_api_name":"United Arab Emirates,Germany"
You can use this API call to update a conference for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | The ID of the conference you are updating. You can get this ID from list conferences API call |
title | String | Optional | The title of your conference, maximum length 100 characters. |
presenter_exit_url | String | Optional | The site presenters are redirected to after the conference is over. |
start_time | String | Optional | The start time of your conference (required if schedule_type is changed to “one_time”). For example: “2020-01-01 15:00”. |
recurring_start_times | Array | Optional | Array of recurring start times. JSON format: [“20xx-xx-xx 15:00:00+02:00”,“20xx-xx-xx 16:00:00+02:00”] |
purpose | String | Optional | A description of your conference |
time_zone | String | Optional | The time zone of your start time. Please visit the Time Zones section for a list of acceptable values. |
room_logo | String | Optional | A URL to the image to the room logo |
conference_logo | String | Optional | A URL to the image to the landing page logo |
apply_conference_logo_to_channel | Boolean | Optional | whether the conference logo is being used as the channel logo |
room_sub_title | String | Optional | Sub title for room. |
webcast_mode | String | Optional | Accepts values ‘automatic’, 'required’ and 'optional’. Defaults to 'automatic’ |
schedule_type | String | Optional | Use either “24_hour_room” for a meeting space or “one_time” for a webinar. |
duration_hours | String | Optional | Accepts values from 1 to 4, defaults to “1” |
duration_minutes | String | Optional | Duration of the event in minutes. Range 1 to 720 minutes. Default is 60 minutes. |
room_type | String | Optional | Sets room type: “1” as “free for all, everyone is an admin, with full access to admin controls”. “attendee_as_presenter” as “Attendees can enter the room as presenters”. “attendee_mic_and_cam” as “Attendees can share mics and webcams” |
who_can_watch_recording | String | Optional | Set the view permission of the recordings. Acceptable values: 'everyone’, 'channel_admin_only’, 'channel_subscribers’,'attendees’,'attendees_registrants’. Default value: 'everyone’ |
presenter_advanced_enter_time | String | Optional | Accepts values '60’, '120’ and '180’ |
attendee_advanced_enter_time | String | Optional | Accepts values '15’ and '30’ |
enable_dial_in | Boolean | Optional | True if conference dial-in should be enabled, false if conference dial-in should be disabled. |
privacy | String | Optional | Set to 'public’ if the event is to be listed publicly, 'private’ if the event should be kept private. |
send_reminder_emails_to_presenters | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true to send reminder emails to admin and presenters of this conference. |
registration_conf_emails | Boolean | Optional | True to send registration confirmation and reminder emails, false if these emails should not be sent. Warning: These emails contain vital information for members, including personalized event links and webinar information. |
send_reminder_emails_to_presenters | Boolean | Optional | Whether reminder emails should be sent to presenters |
show_reviews | Boolean | Optional | True if reviews should be displayed, false if reviews should be hidden. |
review_emails | Boolean | Optional | True if review emails should be sent to attendees, false if review emails should be disabled. |
poll_results | Boolean | Optional | True so attendees can see poll results, false if poll results should be hidden. |
enable_ie_safari | Boolean | Optional | Set to true so attendees can enter the event using Safari or Internet Explorer 11 (in beta). Set to false to disable this feature. |
enable_twitter | Boolean | Optional | Enables Twitter integration that displays all the Tweets from a specific Hashtag. |
send_cancellation_email | Boolean | Optional | Set to true to notify all registrants that a conference was cancelled. Set this to false to prevent these notifications. |
background_image_url | String | Optional | URL of conference background image. Recommended size is 1920 by 640. |
webhook_url | String | Optional | URL to send new conference registration info to. |
exit_url | String | Optional | The site attendees are redirected to after the conference is over. |
registration_required_to_view_recording | Boolean | Optional | Set if registration is required to view the recording. Default value: true |
sub_url | String | Optional | Sub URL of the conference. If the whole URL is www.bigmarker.com/channel/example-conference, the sub URL is “example-conference”. |
display_language | String | Optional | Set the display language on landing page and webinar room. (Please get the language name from the Edit Webinar Section). |
enable_knock_to_enter | Boolean | Optional | Set this to true to enable attendees to knock in order to enter the room. |
banner_filter_percentage | String | Optional | Accept values: 0 to 0.6. for adjustment of title banner filter. Default value: 0 |
icon | String | Optional | A URL to the image to webinar’s preview image. |
enable_create_webinar_reg_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the Webinar can accept new registrations via Webhook. Defaults to “False” |
enable_new_reg_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for new registrations is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” |
new_reg_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the New Registration Webhook |
enable_webinar_start_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar start is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
webinar_start_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Webinar Start Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_waiting_room_open_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar opening from waiting room is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
waiting_room_open_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Waiting Room Open Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_webinar_end_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for the webinar end is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
webinar_end_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Webinar End Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_live_attendee_data_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for sending live attendee data is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
live_attendee_data_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the Live Attendee Data Webhook (enterprise only) |
enable_on_demand_viewer_webhook | Boolean | Optional | Whether the outgoing Webhook for sending the on demand viewer data is enabled or disabled. Defaults to “False” (enterprise only) |
on_demand_viewer_webhook_url | String | Optional | Outgoing URL for the On Demand Viewer Webhook (enterprise only) |
webinar_tags | Array | Optional | webinar_tags: [{“tag_api_name”:“tag value”},{“tag_api_name”:“United Arab Emirates,Germany”}] |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Conference | JSON Object | Updated Webinar |
- Conference Parameters : All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
You do not have permission to retrieve conferences from this channel | 403 | {“error”:“You do not have access to this Channel”} |
Upload Pre-Loaded File
To upload a pre-loaded file.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}/upload_file' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"file_url": "https://www.sitewithfile.com/file.ext", "autoplay":"false"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success":"Your file has been successfully saved!",
You can use this API call to upload a pre-loaded file to your webinar.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
file_url | String | Required | URL pointing to file. Please ensure that the URL is publicly accessible. |
autoplay | Boolean | Optional | If the pre-loaded file should be set to autoplay. Defaults to false. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | String | Returns a message if the upload was successful. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
file_not_saved | 404 | {“error”:“We could not access this file”} |
Delete Pre-Loaded File
To delete a pre-loaded file.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}/delete_file/{file_id}' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success": "Your file has been successfully deleted!"
You can use this API call to delete a pre-loaded file to your webinar.
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
success | String | Returns a message if the delete was successful. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
file_not_find | 404 | {“error”:“We could not find this file”} |
Upload a handout
You can use this API call to upload a handout or a share link
A handout can be uploaded using a remote url, or a share link
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/add_handout_with_url' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"handout_url":"https://somesite/sample.pdf", "title": "Your title"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxxxx",
"handout_name": "Yout title",
"icon_url": "https://youriconurl.png",
"handout_link" : "http://sample_handout_link.com",
"handout_url" : "https://somesite/sample.pdf"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | ID of conference for which the handout should be uploaded. |
title | String | Required | Title of the handout |
handout_url | String | Optional | URL of file to be uploaded as a handout |
handout_link | String | Optional | The URL of site to be shown as a handout |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id of handout |
handout_name | String | Title of the handout uploaded |
icon_url | String | URL of icon, if any. |
handout_link | String | Handout link, if any |
handout_url | String | URL of the file to be shown as a handout, if any |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | No sufficient parameters | Both handout_url and share_link cannot be empty |
Update an existing handout
You can use this API call to update an existing handout
To update an existing handout
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:handout_id/update_handout' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"title": "New title"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxxxx",
"handout_name": "Yout title",
"icon_url": "https://youriconurl.png",
"handout_link" : "http://sample_handout_link.com",
"handout_url" : "https://somesite/sample.pdf"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
handout_id | String | Required | Handout Id. |
title | String | Optional | Title of the handout |
handout_url | String | Optional | URL of file to be uploaded as a handout |
handout_link | String | Optional | The URL of site to be shown as a handout |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id of handout |
handout_name | String | Title of the handout uploaded |
icon_url | String | URL of icon, if any. |
handout_link | String | Handout link, if any |
handout_url | String | URL of the file to be shown as a handout, if any |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | No sufficient parameters | Both handout_url and share_link cannot be empty |
Delete a handout
You can use this API call to delete a handout
To delete a handout
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:handout_id/delete_handout' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success":"Your handout has been deleted!"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
handout_id | String | Required | Handout Id. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | Internal error | Something went wrong |
List Handouts
You can use this API call to get all handouts for a conference.
To get all handouts for a conference.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/handouts
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conference_id | String | The ID of the conference |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Handouts | Array | List of handouts for the webinar |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Delete a Conference
You can use this API call to delete a conference in your channel.
To delete a conference
curl -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Show Conference Attendees
To get a list of conference attendees.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/attendees -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "per_page": 500,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1000,
"attendees": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "user"
"email": "another.registrant2@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Another",
"last_name": "Registrant"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the attendees Defaults to 1 |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many attendees per page to fetch Defaults to 500 |
show_chat | Boolean | Optional | Set to determine to includes the attendee’s chat messages in the API response. Default: false |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
current_page | Integer | Current Page |
per_page | Integer | Attendees per page |
total_entries | Integer | Total attendees |
String | Attendee email | |
first_name | String | Attendee first name |
last_name | String | Attendee last name |
entered_at | String | Time that attendee entered the conference |
leaved_at | String | Time that attendee left the conference |
total_duration | String | Number of seconds attendee was in conference |
engaged_duration | String | Number of seconds attendee was engaged in conference |
chats_count | Integer | Number of chats attendees sent |
qas_count | Integer | Number of questions attendee posted |
polls_count | Integer | Number of polls attendee answered |
polls | Array | Polls answered by attendee |
questions | Array | Questions asked by attendee |
handouts | Array | Names of handouts downloaded by attendee |
view_handout | Array | Array of hashes showing the handouts viewed by an attendee. Each hash contains details regarding the handouts viewed. |
download_handout | Array | Array of hashes showing the handouts downloaded by an attendee.Each hash contains details regarding the handouts downloaded. |
browser_name | String | Name of browser used |
browser_version | Integer | Version of browser used |
device_name | String | Type of device used to attend. Can be “desktop”, “chrome”, or “android”. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Not Found | 404 | {“error”:“This conference has not ended yet.”} |
Download Statistics Report
To show a URL to download your webinar statistics report from.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}/stats?bmid=xxx' -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"report_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/conferences/report_url"
You can use this API call to download the transcript of a webinar in BigMarker. This will generates a link that will log in to the admin’s account to download the report.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. | |
bmid | String | Requried | BMID of the admin you would like to be able to download this report. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
report_url | URL | URL to download webinar statistics report from |
Download Transcript
To show a URL to download a webinar transcript from.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}/transcript?bmid=xxxxx' -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"transcript_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/conferences/xxxx/download_transcript"
You can use this API call to download the transcript of a webinar in BigMarker.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
channel_id | String | Required | Your channel ID. | |
bmid | String | Requried | Unique admin ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
transcript_url | URL | URL to download webinar transcript from. |
Admin URL
To show a URL an admin can be logged in through.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/{conference_id}/admin_url?bmid=xxx' -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"admin_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/conferences/xxx/"
You can use this API call to return a URL to a webinar for an admin to access. Using this link will automatically login as the admin, so be careful who can access this URL.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. | |
bmid | String | Requried | Unique admin ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_url | URL | URL for the admin to access the webinar. |
Recording Status
You can use this API call to get the status of a recording.
To get conference recording information
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/recording'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"published": true,
"download_ready": true,
"conference_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/mychannel/webinar"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
published | boolean | True if recording is published |
download_ready | boolean | True if recording download is ready |
conference_url | String | Link for webinar admin |
If recording is still processing, this call will return:
Parameter | Type | Description |
recording_status | boolean | “Processing” if recording is still processing |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Channel Not Found!”} |
Publish Recording
You can use this API call to publish a recording.
To get conference information
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/publish_recording'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"published_status":"Your recording is now published."
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
published_status | String | Status of recording |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Recording Already Published | 401 | {“error”:“This recording is already published.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Channel Not Found!”} |
Unpublish Recording
You can use this API call to unpublish a recording.
To get conference information
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/unpublish_recording'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"published_status":"Your recording is now unpublished."
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
published_status | String | Status of recording |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Recording Already Unpublished | 401 | {“error”:“This recording is already unpublished.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Channel Not Found!”} |
Get Custom Fields
You can use this API call to get the webinar custom fields.
To get custom fields belonging to your webinar.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/custom_fields/:conference_id
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"field_name":"custom field name 1",
"field_name":"custom field name 2",
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Custom field id |
field_name | String | Custom field name |
field_type | String | Custom field type |
required | Boolean | Custom field required status |
api_name | String | Custom field api name |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
Enter a Conference
To create a new conference for channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/enter' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"id": "your_conference_id","attendee_name": "John Doe", "attendee_email":"email@email.com", "role":"attendee", "exit_url":"https://www.yourwebsite.com"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"enter_token": "xxxxxx",
"enter_uri": "https://www.bigmarker.com/enter_url"
You can use this API call to enter a conference. This will allow you to by pass the BigMarker conference landing page and enter the conference room directly. When used with custom branding feature, this API call is very powerful as you can integrate the BigMarker conference room directly into your website as your own conferencing platform.
NOTE: Embedding the return value of this endpoint in an iframe is NOT supported by off-the-shelf BigMarker plans. This is available only for Enterprise accounts. Subscribers of off-the-shelf plans will need to contact our sales team in order to embed the BigMarker conference room onto a separate website.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
id | String | Required | The ID of the conference you are trying to enter | |
attendee_name | String | Required | The name of the attendee that would show up in the conference room. | |
attendee_email | String | Required | The email of the attendee. Providing email will allow the attendee to receive emails when the conference recording is posted. | |
register_attendee_to_webinar | Boolean | Optional | Set to register this attendee as an registrant to the webinar | true or false (default to false) |
attendee_first_name | String | Optional | The first name of the attendee used if registering the attendee to the webinar | |
attendee_last_name | String | Optional | The last name of the attendee used if registering the attendee to the webinar | |
custom_user_id | String | Optional | The external user ID that can be used to identify registrants if used during webinar registration. | |
role | String | Optional | Set the role of the user that is enter the webinar. | attendee (default), moderator, presenter |
exit_uri | String | Optional | A URL that attendees will be redirected to after the webinar. Defaults to your landing page. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
enter_token | String | Token for entering the conference |
enter_uri | String | Link for member to enter the conference |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
401 | premium_channel_required | This channel does not allow entering of the conference via API, please use the conference page or upgrade your account. |
400 | conference_setting_up | The server for this conference is setting up. Please wait a few minutes and try again. |
400 | conference_ended | This conference has ended |
400 | conference_not_open_for_presenter | This conference is currently not open. Presenters can enter the conference 30 minutes prior to the conference start time. |
400 | conference_not_open_for_attendee | This conference is currently not open. Attendees can enter the conference 15 minutes prior to the conference start time. |
Show Conference Recording Views
To get a list of conference recording views.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/recording_views -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"recording_views": [{
"id": "xxxxxx",
"id": "xxyyyx",
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
recording_views | Array | List of attendees |
Each recording_view will have the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Recording View Id |
bmid | String | Unique registrant ID |
conference_id | String | Conference Id |
created_at | String | Time at which the recording view is created |
watch_duration | Integer | Watch duration in minutes |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Not Found | 404 | {“error”:“This webianr does not have any recordings.”} |
Creating a Series
To create a new series for channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/series' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"channel_id": "xxxxxxxxx","title": "series title", "series_format":"course", "event_start_time":"2021-04-06 18:00", "event_end_time":"2021-04-07 18:00", "time_zone":"Beijing"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
You can use this API call to create a new series for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | The channel ID that you want to create this conference for. |
title | String | Required | The title of your conference, maximum length 100 characters. |
series_format | String | Required | Accepts values summit , course , business-unusual ,enterprise_summit ,tradeshow ,single_stage_lobby ,full_experience_summit ,lounge ,lobby_button ,matlab_expo . Defaults to summit . |
event_start_time | String | Optional | Event start time |
event_end_time | String | Optional | Event end time |
time_zone | String | Optional | Time zone |
alias | String | Optional | Alias |
presenter_alias | String | Optional | Presenter Alias |
about | String | Optional | Description of the webinar |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
series_url | JSON Object | URL of series created |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | Your account cannot host webinars on this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | internal_error | Something went wrong |
Updating a Series
You can use this API call to update an existing series
To update a series
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/series' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"id": "series_id","title": "series title", "series_format":"summit"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | Series Id. |
title | String | Optional | Series title |
series_format | String | Required | Accepts values summit , course , business-unusual ,enterprise_summit ,tradeshow ,single_stage_lobby ,full_experience_summit ,lounge ,lobby_button ,matlab_expo . Defaults to summit . |
event_start_time | String | Optional | Event start time |
event_end_time | String | Optional | Event end time |
time_zone | String | Optional | Time zone |
alias | String | Optional | Alias |
presenter_alias | String | Optional | Presenter alias |
about | String | Optional | Description of the webinar |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
series_url | JSON Object | URL of series created |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | No sufficient parameters | Both handout_url and share_link cannot be empty |
Add sessions to a series
You can use this API call to add sessions to a series
To add sessions to a series
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/series/add_sessions' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"session_ids": "xxxxxxxx,xxxxxxx", "series_id":"xxxxxxx"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"Sessions session1, session2 have been succesfully added to Series New Series"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
series_id | String | Required | Series Id |
session_ids | String | Required | Sessions ids |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | Conference :conference_id can’t be managed by current member |
400 | invalid_session_ids | Invalid/Missing Session IDs |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | no_sufficient_parameters | Both handout_url and share_link cannot be empty |
500 | internal_error | Something went wrong |
Delete a session
You can use this API call to delete a session from a series
To delete a session
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/series' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"session_ids":"xxxxxxxx"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success":"Your session has been deleted!"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
session_ids | String | Required | Session Ids |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Refresh analytics report
You can use this API call to refresh the analytics report
To refresh the analytics report
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/refresh_analytics_report/:conference_id'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | Your conference ID |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Show handout download data
You can use this API call get handout download data
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/handout_download_data/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"email": "xxxxxxxx",
"download": "1",
"member_name": "xxx",
"handout_name" : "xxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | ID of conference. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | Id of handout |
String | Registrant’s email | |
download | Int | Download count |
member_name | String | Registrant’s name |
handout_name | String | Handout’s name |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | Unauthorized | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Show dial in data
You can use this API call get dial-in data
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/dial_in_list/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"number_called": "1 (312) 242-2222",
"first_name": "xxx",
"last_name": "xxx",
"email" : "xxx",
"bmid" : "xxx",
"called_start_time" : "xxx",
"called_duration" : "xxx",
"role" : "Member"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | ID of conference. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
number_called | String | Dial |
first_name | String | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | Int | Registrant’s last name |
String | Registrant’s email | |
called_start_time | String | called start time |
called_duration | String | called duration |
role | String | role |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | Unauthorized | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Show survey data
You can use this API call get handout download data
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/survey/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"question_title": "xxxxxxxx",
"answer_type": "start_rating",
"choice_type": "single",
"responses": [{
"review_response": "xxxxxx",
"review": {
"created_at": "xxxx",
"name": "xxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | ID of conference. |
created_since | String | Optional | Any survey data created before the ‘created_since’ timestamp will not be included in the response. for example: 1687759589 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_title | String | Survey’s title |
answer_type | String | Answer type |
review_response | String | Survey’s response |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | Unauthorized | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Show Presenter Activity
You can use this API call to get presenter activity for a conference.
Show Presenter Activity
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/activity_logs
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"activity_logs": [
"activity_type": "start_webinar",
"timestamp": "2023-03-29T07:20:37Z",
"performed_by": "xxx@email.com"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference id |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
activity_type | String | Type of activity carried out by presenter. Accepted values are “start_webinar”, “end_webinar”, “start_recording”, and “end_recording”. |
timestamp | String | Time when the activity happened in DateTime. format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ |
performed_by | String | Email address of presenter that initiated the activity. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Manage Automations
Create Attendance Monitor Automation
Create automation events that turn on or turn off Attendance Monitor.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/automations/create_monitor' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"id":"conference id", "monitor_state":enable/disable, "hour":1, "min":20, "sec": 10, "after_before":after/before }'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | Conference Id |
monitor_state | Required | Required | Controls whether the attendance monitor is enabled or disabled. Allowed Values: “enable”, “disable” |
hour | String | Required | The number of hours for the time offset. |
min | String | Required | The number of minutes for the time offset. |
sec | String | Required | The number of seconds for the time offset. |
after_before | String | Required | Indicates whether the time offset is “before” or “after” the start time. Allowed Values: “before”, “after” |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
500 | No sufficient parameters | Both handout_url and share_link cannot be empty |
List the timeline
List the timeline automation events.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/automations/:conference_id'
The above command returns the timeline of an automation webinar.
"automations": [
"id": "be2af8e87ce7",
"title": "Webinar Room Opens for Attendees",
"type": "open_for_attendees",
"time": "2025-03-22T03:15:00-05:00",
"time_desc": "15 minutes before webinar start time"
"id": "209a67e003ec",
"title": "Post Slide: image 14.png",
"type": "post_slide",
"time": "2025-03-22T03:30:00-05:00",
"time_desc": "Webinar start time"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | Conference Id |
Conference Registrations
Show Conference Registrants
To get all registrants for a conference.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/registrations/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns a list of conference registrants.
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "user",
"earned_certificate": false,
"qualified_for_certificate": false
"email": "another.registrant2@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Another",
"last_name": "Registrant",
"earned_certificate": false,
"qualified_for_certificate": false
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
channel_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. | |
page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list | Defaults to 1 |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch | Defaults to 25 |
start_time | Integer | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is after this time. for example: 1548893746 | |
end_time | Integer | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is before this time. for example: 1687759589 | |
String | Optional | The email of the registration | ||
updated_since | String | Optional | Filters the results to return only registration records that have been updated on or after the specified Unix timestamp. For update times, this parameter only works with the register_or_update API. for example: 1737014276 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
String | Registrant email | |
first_name | String | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Registrant’s last name |
enter_url | String | Personalized URL to enter the conference |
bmid | String | Admin ID for download transcript, stats, or admin url |
referral_domain | String | Refrerral domain |
source | String | Registration source |
tracking_code | String | Tracking code |
earned_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee was sent certificate of completion email |
qualified_for_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee meets certificate of completion criteria |
qr_code_value | String | In-person registrant ID |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Show Registrants that checked in to a conference in-person
You can use this API call to get all registrants that checked in to a conference in-person.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/checked_in_registrants/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns a list of registrants that checked in to a conference in-person.
"current_page": 1,
"per_page": 25,
"total_count": 100,
"total_entries": 100,
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. | |
page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list | Defaults to 1 |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch | Defaults to 25 |
start_time | Integer | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. The time result registrants checked-in is after this time. for example: 1548893746 | |
end_time | Integer | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. The time result registrants checked-in is before this time. for example: 1687759589 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
String | Registrant email | |
first_name | String | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Registrant’s last name |
enter_url | String | Personalized URL to enter the conference |
bmid | String | Admin ID for download transcript, stats, or admin url |
referral_domain | String | Refrerral domain |
source | String | Registration source |
tracking_code | String | Tracking code |
earned_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee was sent certificate of completion email |
qualified_for_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee meets certificate of completion criteria |
qr_code_value | String | In-person registrant ID |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Show Conference Registrants with Custom Fields
To get all registrants with custom fields for a conference.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/registrations_with_fields/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns a list of conference registrants.
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "user",
"custom_fields": [{"custom_field_1": "response_1","custom_field_2": "response_2"}]
"email": "another.registrant2@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Another",
"last_name": "Registrant",
"custom_fields": [{"custom_field_1": "answer_1","custom_field_2": "answer_2"}]
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
channel_id | String | Required | The URL slug of your channel, e.g. if the URL of your channel page is https://www.bigmarker.com/communities/my-excellent-channel/conferences, your channel_id is my-excellent-channel | |
page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list | Defaults to 1 |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch | Defaults to 25 |
use_api_name | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to False. True if you want to get API name rather than custom field title in the response | |
start_time | Integer | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is after this time. for example: 1548893746 | |
end_time | Integer | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is before this time. for example: 1687759589 | |
String | Optional | The email of the registration |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
String | Registrant email | |
first_name | String | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Registrant’s last name |
enter_url | String | Personalized URL to enter the conference |
bmid | String | Unique registrant ID |
referral_domain | String | Refrerral domain |
source | String | Registration source |
tracking_code | String | Tracking code |
earned_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee was sent certificate of completion email |
qualified_for_certificate | Boolean | true if attendee meets certificate of completion criteria |
custom_fields | Array | Array containing a JSON object with custom fields. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Register a User to a Conference
You can use this API call to register a person to your existing conferences in your channel.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/register -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
--data "id=xxxxxx&email=emailaddress@email.com&first_name=John&last_name=Doe&utm_bmcr_source=XXXXXXX&custom_fields=%7B%22a924c219b209%22%3A%22ttt%22%2C%225ebe01d737ca%22%3A%22aaaa%22%7D"
The above command returns JSON structure that contains the URL the registered user can use to enter the conference
"conference_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/your_channel_id/your_conference_id"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
id | String | Required | Conference ID of the conference to register |
String | Required | Registrant’s email | |
first_name | String | Required | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Required | Registrant’s last name |
temporary_password | String | Optional | Temporary password for registrant |
custom_fields | String | Optional | URL encoded JSON object, keys are custom_field ids. |
utm_bmcr_source | String | Optional | Registrant’s UTM source code |
custom_user_id | String | Optional | External custom user id |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conference_url | String | Link to enter the conference for registrant |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Register or Update a User to a Conference
You can use this API call to register a person to your existing conferences in your channel. You can also use this API call to update existing registrations in your conferences. In your API call, any custom field values that are different from what is in the conference will be changed, and the rest will stay the same. Any parameters stored in the body of the request must be in x-www-form-urlencoded format.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/register_or_update -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
--data "id=xxxxxx&email=emailaddress@email.com&first_name=John&last_name=Doe&utm_bmcr_source=XXXXXXX&custom_fields=%7B%22a924c219b209%22%3A%22ttt%22%2C%225ebe01d737ca%22%3A%22aaaa%22%7D"
The above command returns JSON structure that contains the URL the registered user can use to enter the conference
"conference_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/your_channel_id/your_conference_id?bmid=xxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
id | String | Required | Conference ID of the conference to register |
String | Required | Registrant’s email | |
first_name | String | Required | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Required | Registrant’s last name |
temporary_password | String | Optional | Temporary password for registrant |
custom_fields | String | Optional | URL encoded JSON object, keys are custom_field ids or api name. |
utm_bmcr_source | String | Optional | Registrant’s UTM source code |
custom_user_id | String | Optional | External custom user id |
show_full_data | Boolean | Optional | adds registration data to response |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conference_url | String | Link to enter the conference for registrant |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Unregister a User From a Conference
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/register
-i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
--data "id=xxxxxx&email=email@email.com"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
id | String | Required | The conference ID that you like to unregister the user from |
String | Required | The email address of the user that you like to unregister from the conference |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | conference_not_found | The conference you are requesting is not found. |
Check registration status
You can use this API call to get whether people registered for the webinar or not
To find out whether people registered for the webinar
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/check_registration_status'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID |
bmid | String | Optional | The unique ID of the attendee |
String | Optional | The email of the attendee |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | conference_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access or modify this conference. |
404 | member_not_found | The member email entered you entered is not found in our system. |
Manage Channels
Show Channel
You can use this API call to show information for a channel.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/:channel_id
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"channel_id": "xxxxxx1",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel1_url",
"name": "Channel 1 Name",
"overview": "Channel 1 Overview"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
API-KEY | String | Put api_token in the header |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
channel_url | String | Channel URL |
name | String | Channel name |
overview | String | Channel overview |
description | String | Channel description |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Delete all of a user’s data
You can use this API call to delete all registration data associated with a specific email address from your channels.
To delete a member from a channel.
curl -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/:channel_url/delete_member?email=xxx'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_url | String | The channel URL |
String | Member’s email |
Response Body Parameters
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
List Channels
You can use this API call to get all of your channels.
To get all of your channels.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"channel_id": "xxxxxx1",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel1_url",
"name": "Channel 1 Name",
"overview": "Channel 1 Overview"
"channel_id": "xxxxxx2",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel2_url",
"name": "Channel 2 Name",
"overview": "Channel 2 Overview"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
API-KEY | String | Put api_token in the header |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channels | Array | List of all channels |
Each channel has the following parameters:
- Channel Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
channel_url | String | Channel URL |
name | String | Channel name |
overview | String | Channel overview |
description | String | Channel description |
channel_hosts | Array | all the hosts and admins on the channel |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
List Channel Conferences
You can use this API call to get conferences from one of your channels.
To get all conferences belonging to a channel
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/:channel_url/conferences'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"conferences": [{
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
channel_url | String | Required | Your channel URL. | |
timing | String | Optional | The time frame the list of conferences should be in | future (default), all, past |
page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list | Defaults to 1 |
show_template | Boolean | Optional | Show webinar templates. | Defaults to false |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many conferences per page to fetch | Defaults to 25 |
bmid | String | Optional | Only return conferences containing a registrant with the BMID | |
sort_start_date | String | Optional | Sort results DateTime. format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ | ascending, descending |
webinar_tags | Array | Optional | Only return conferences with these tag values | [{tag_name_1: tag value 1}, {tag_name_2: tag value 2}] |
included_sub_channel_ids | String | Optional | This parameter allows users to specify sub-channel IDs from which to retrieve the webinars. When provided, the API will return webinars only from the listed sub-channels, along with the main channel’s webinars. If not specified, the API will return webinars only from the main channel. | sub1,sub2,sub3 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | List of conferences in the channel |
All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
You do not have rights to get conferences for channel | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this Channel”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Channel Not Found!”} |
List Channel Registrants
To get all registrants for a channel.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/registrations/channel/:channel_id
The above command returns a list of registrants for a channel.
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "user"
"email": "another.registrant2@bigmarker.com",
"first_name": "Another",
"last_name": "Registrant"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
channel_id | String | Required | The URL slug of your channel, e.g. if the URL of your channel page is https://www.bigmarker.com/communities/my-excellent-channel/conferences, your channel_id is my-excellent-channel | |
page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list | Defaults to 1 |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch | Defaults to 25 |
use_api_name | Boolean | Optional | True if you want to get API name rather than custom field title in the response | |
bmid | String | Optional | The unique ID of the registrant. | |
String | Optional | The email address of the registrant. | ||
start_time | Integer | Optional | The beginning time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is after this time. for example: 1548893746 | |
end_time | Integer | Optional | The ending time of your time filter. The time result registrants register is before this time. for example: 1687759589 |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Registration Id |
String | Registrant email | |
first_name | String | Registrant’s first name |
last_name | String | Registrant’s last name |
conference_id | String | Conference Id |
enter_url | String | Personalized url to enter a conference |
bmid | String | Unique registrant ID |
referral_domain | String | Referral Domain |
source | String | Source |
tracking_code | String | Tracking code |
custom_fields | Array | Array of custom fields as JSON objects, if any |
registered_at | String | When the person is registered to a webinar |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 403 | {“error”:“You don’t have access to this channel”} |
Create a Subchannel
You can use this API call to create a channel under an already existing channel that you administer.
To create a subchannel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"master_channel_id": "your_channel_id","": ""}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"channel_id": "xxxxxx1",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/subchannel1_url",
"name": "Subchannel 1 Name",
"overview": "Subchannel 1 Overview"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
master_channel_id | String | Required | ID of the parent channel |
channel_name | String | Required | The name of your subchannel |
channel_url | String | Required | The ID of your subchannel to be used in the URL |
organizer_email | String | Required | The email of the subchannel organizer |
organizer_first_name | String | Optional | The first name of the subchannel organizer |
organizer_last_name | String | Optional | The last name of the subchannel organizer |
organizer_temporary_password | String | Optional | A temporary password for the subchannel organizer |
background_image_url | String | Optional | URL of background image. Recommended dimensions are 1456 by 360. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
channel_url | String | Channel URL |
name | String | Channel name |
overview | String | Channel overview |
description | String | Channel description |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
List Subchannels
You can use this API call to get all of the subchannels under a certain channel.
To get all of the subchannels for a channel.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/sub_channels/channel_url
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"channel_id": "xxxxxx1",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/subchannel1_url",
"name": "Subchannel 1 Name",
"overview": "Subchannel 1 Overview"
"channel_id": "xxxxxx2",
"channel_url": "https://www.bigmarker.com/subchannel2_url",
"name": "Subchannel 2 Name",
"overview": "Subchannel 2 Overview"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_url | String | The ID of the parent channel |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channels | Array | List of subchannels in channel |
Each subchannel has the following parameters:
- Channel Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
channel_url | String | Channel URL |
name | String | Channel name |
overview | String | Channel overview |
description | String | Channel description |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Remove Subchannel
You can use this API call to remove a subchannel.
To remove a subchannel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/channel_url' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_url | String | ID of subchannel |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
List Subscribers
You can use this API call to get all of the subscribers of a certain channel.
To get all of the subscribers for a channel.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/channel_id/subscribers
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com",
"bmid": "xxxxxx"
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "jane.doe@domain.com",
"bmid": "xxxxxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | The ID of the parent channel |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
subscribers | Array | List of subscribers in channel |
Each subscriber has the following parameters:
- Subscriber Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
first_name | String | First name of subscriber |
last_name | String | Last name of subscriber |
String | Email of subscriber | |
bmid | String | Unique registrant ID |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Add a Subscriber
You can use this API call to add a subscriber to a channel.
To add a subscriber to a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/channel_id/add_subscriber' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"first_name": "John","last_name": "Doe", "email":"john.doe@domain.com"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "john.doe@domain.com",
"bmid" : "xxxxxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | The ID of the parent channel |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
first_name | String | First name of subscriber |
last_name | String | Last name of subscriber |
String | Email of subscriber | |
temporary_password | String | Temporary password for new member (optional) |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
first_name | String | First name of subscriber |
last_name | String | Last name of subscriber |
String | Email of subscriber | |
bmid | String | Unique subscriber ID |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Remove a Subscriber
You can use this API call to remove a subscriber from a channel.
To remove a subscriber from a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/channel_id/remove_subscriber' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | The ID of the parent channel |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
String | Email of subscriber |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Add Channel Category
You can use this API call to add a category to a channel.
To add a category to a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/category' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"channel_id" : "your_channel_id", "category_name":"category_name"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"category": {
"name": "xxxxxx",
"club": "xxxxxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel |
category_name | String | Required | Name of the category |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the category |
club | String | Admin first name |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
ERROR_CHANNEL_DENIED_TYPE | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this channel.”} |
Delete a Category
You can use this API call to delete a category from a channel.
To delete a category from a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/category' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"channel_id" : "your_channel_id", "category_name":"category_name"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel |
category_name | String | Required | Name of the category |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
ERROR_CHANNEL_DENIED_TYPE | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this channel.”} |
Add a conference to category
You can use this API call to add a conference to category.
To add a conference to category.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/category/add_conference' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"channel_id" : "your_channel_id", "category_name":"category_name", "conference_id":"xxx"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"category": {
"name": "xxxxxx",
"club": "xxxxxx"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel |
category_name | String | Required | Name of the category |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference id |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the category |
club | String | Admin first name |
conferences | String | Conferences of the category |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
ERROR_CHANNEL_DENIED_TYPE | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this channel.”} |
Remove a conference from category
You can use this API call to remove a conference from category.
To remove a conference from category.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/category/remove_conference' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"channel_id" : "your_channel_id", "category_name":"category_name", "conference_id":"xxx"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel |
category_name | String | Required | Name of the category |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference id |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
channel_permission_denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this channel.”} |
category_permission_denied | 401 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found in this category.”} |
Delete a user data from your channel
You can use this API call to delete a user data from your channel.
curl -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/:channel_id/delete_member
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
API-KEY | String | Put api_token in the header |
String | member’s email |
List conferences by registered user
You can use this API call to get a list of all conferences that a single user has registered for.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/:channel_id/list_registered_conferences
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"conferences": [
"page": 1,
"page_count": 25,
"total_count": 4,
"total_entries": 4,
"total_pages": 1
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
API-KEY | String | Put api_token in the header |
String | member’s email |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | Array of conferences |
page | Integer | Current Page |
page_count | Integer | Conferences per page |
total_pages | Integer | Total pages |
total_entries | Integer | Total entries |
Retrieves the entire list.
You can use this API call to retrieve the entire list of a certain channel.
To retrieve the entire list.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/block_list/:channel_id
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 100,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"list_data": [
"email": "TEST@test.com",
"created_at": "2024-08-16T14:19:13+08:00"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
API-KEY | String | API-KEY |
list_type | String | List type. Acceptable values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’ |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
current_page | Integer | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | How many entries per page to fetch |
total_entries | Integer | The total number of entries |
total_pages | Integer | The total number of pages included in the report. |
String | Email address | |
created_at | String | Time created |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Adds items to the list.
You can use this API call to add items to a block list.
To adds items to the list.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/block_list/:channel_id' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"list_type": "block_list", "emails": "test1@test.com, test2@test.com"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
API-KEY | String | API-KEY |
list_type | String | List type. Acceptable values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’ |
emails | String | List contents |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Removes items from the list.
You can use this API call to remove items to a block list.
To remove items from the list..
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channels/block_list/:channel_id' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d
'{"list_type": "block_list", emails": "test1@test.com, test2@test.com"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success": "Successfully added!"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_id | String | Channel ID |
API-KEY | String | API-KEY |
list_type | String | List type. Acceptable values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’ |
emails | String | List contents |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Conference Presenters
Add a Presenter
You can use this API call to add a presenter to a conference.
To add a presenter to a conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/presenters' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"member_id": "xxxxxx",
"conference_id": "xxxxxx",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "Presenter",
"email": "example.presenter@bigmarker.com"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | The conference ID that you want to add this presenter to. |
name | String | Required | The name of the presenter, as it appears in the conference. |
photo_url | String | Required | The URL of presenter’s profile image. |
presenter_email | String | Required | The email of the presenter to be added. |
presenter_first_name | String | Required | The presenter’s first name, optional if presenter already exists. |
presenter_last_name | String | Required | The presenter’s last name, optional if presenter already exists. |
presenter_temporary_password | String | Required | Temporary password for the presenter, optional if presenter already exists. |
bio | String | Optional | The presenter’s bio. |
title | String | Optional | The presenter’s title. |
can_manage | Boolean | Optional | Can the presenter manage the event? |
is_moderator | Boolean | Optional | Is the presenter the moderator and can access the host control panel? |
send_email_invite | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true if email invites should be sent, false if emails should not be sent. |
add_to_channel_subscriber_list | Boolean | Optional | Defaults to true if presenter should be added to channel, false if presenter should not be added. |
enter_as_attendee | Boolean | Optional | Enter as attendee. Defaults to false |
display_on_landing_page | Boolean | Optional | Show this presenter on the live page. Defaults to true |
remove_bigmarker_contact_option | Boolean | Optional | Remove BigMarker contact option. Defaults to true |
show_on_networking_center | Boolean | Optional | Show this presenter on networking center. Defaults to true |
show_chat_icon_in_booth_or_session_room | Boolean | Optional | Show chat icon for presenter in booth or session room. Defaults to true |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
presenter_id | String | Presenter ID |
member_id | String | Member ID of presenter |
conference_id | String | Conference ID |
display_name | String | Presenter display name |
display_on_landing_page | Boolean | Displays presenter on landing page when true |
presenter_image_url | String | Prsenter image URL, if any. |
first_name | String | Presenter first name |
last_name | String | Presenter last name |
String | Presenter email | |
presenter_url | String | Presenter page URL |
presenter_dial_in_number | String | Presenter dial-in number |
presenter_dial_in_id | String | Presenter dial-in id |
presenter_dial_in_passcode | String | Presenter dial-in passcode |
title | String | Presenter title |
bio | String | Presener bio |
can_manage | Boolean | True if the presenter can manage the event |
is_moderator | Boolean | True if presenter is an admin. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
400 | bad_request | The presenter email you provided is not in our system. To create a new presenter profile, please provide the presenter’s first name, last name, and temporary password. |
400 | bad_request | Presenter with the same email exists. |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
401 | channel_suspended | This channel has been suspended. Please visit www.bigmarker.com/settings/billing and update your channel billing. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Update a Presenter
You can use this API call to update an existing presenter in a conference.
To update a presenter in a conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/presenters/{:presenter_id}' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"member_id": "xxxxxx",
"conference_id": "xxxxxx",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "Presenter",
"email": "example.presenter@bigmarker.com"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
presenter_email | String | optional | The email of the presenter to be updated. |
name | String | Optional | The name of the presenter, as it appears in the conference. |
photo_url | String | Optional | The URL of presenter’s profile image. |
presenter_temporary_password | String | Optional | Temporary password for the presenter. |
bio | String | Optional | The presenter’s bio. |
title | String | Optional | The presenter’s title. |
can_manage | Boolean | Optional | Can the presenter manage the event? |
is_moderator | Boolean | Optional | Is the presenter the moderator and can access the host control panel? |
enter_as_attendee | Boolean | Optional | Enter as attendee. |
display_on_landing_page | Boolean | Optional | Show this presenter on the live page. |
remove_bigmarker_contact_option | Boolean | Optional | Remove BigMarker contact option. |
show_on_networking_center | Boolean | Optional | Show this presenter on networking center. |
show_chat_icon_in_booth_or_session_room | Boolean | Optional | Show chat icon for presenter in booth or session room. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
presenter_id | String | Presenter ID |
member_id | String | Member ID of presenter |
conference_id | String | Conference ID |
display_name | String | Presenter display name |
display_on_landing_page | Boolean | Displays presenter on landing page when true |
presenter_image_url | String | Prsenter image URL, if any. |
first_name | String | Presenter first name |
last_name | String | Presenter last name |
String | Presenter email | |
presenter_url | String | Presenter page URL |
presenter_dial_in_number | String | Presenter dial-in number |
presenter_dial_in_id | String | Presenter dial-in id |
presenter_dial_in_passcode | String | Presenter dial-in passcode |
title | String | Presenter title |
bio | String | Presener bio |
can_manage | Boolean | True if the presenter can manage the event |
is_moderator | Boolean | True if presenter is an admin. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
400 | bad_request | The presenter does not exist - plase add the presenter using the proper API call |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Remove a Presenter
You can use this API call to remove an existing presenter from a conference.
To remove a presenter from a conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/presenters' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
Required Parameter
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
presenter_id | String | Required | The ID of the presenter |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
400 | bad_request | The presenter does not exist - plase add the presenter using the proper API call |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
All Presenters for a Conference
You can use this API call to get all presenters for a conference.
To get all presenters of a conference.
curl -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/conferences/:conference_id/presenters
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"member_id": "xxxxxx",
"conference_id": "xxxxxx",
"first_name": "Example",
"last_name": "Presenter",
"email": "example.presenter@bigmarker.com"
"member_id": "xyyyyx",
"conference_id": "xxxxxx",
"first_name": "Example2",
"last_name": "Presenter2",
"email": "example2.presenter2@bigmarker.com"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | The conference ID that you want to add this presenter to. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
presenter_id | String | Presenter ID |
member_id | String | Member ID of presenter |
conference_id | String | Conference ID |
display_name | String | Presenter display name |
display_on_landing_page | Boolean | Displays presenter on landing page when true |
presenter_image_url | String | Prsenter image URL, if any. |
first_name | String | Presenter first name |
last_name | String | Presenter last name |
String | Presenter email | |
presenter_url | String | Presenter page URL |
presenter_dial_in_number | String | Presenter dial-in number |
presenter_dial_in_id | String | Presenter dial-in id |
presenter_dial_in_passcode | String | Presenter dial-in passcode |
title | String | Presenter title |
bio | String | Presener bio |
can_manage | Boolean | True if the presenter can manage the event |
is_moderator | Boolean | True if presenter is an admin. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
List Conferences
You can use this API call to list all of the conferences for a presenter.
To list the conferences for a presenter.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/presenters/xxxxxxx/list_conferences' -i -X GET -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"conferences": [{
"id": "xxxxxx1",
"title": "Conference 1 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_1_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
"id": "xxxxxx2",
"title": "Conference 2 Title",
"conference_address": "https://www.bigmarker.com/channel_url/conference_2_url",
"purpose": "To be great"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
member_id | String | Required | The ID of the presenter. |
channel_id | String | Required | The ID of the channel. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
conferences | Array | List of conferences |
All conference parameters can be seen in the “Response Body Parameters” section of Show Conference
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
400 | bad_request | The member does not exist! |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Manage Channel Admins
View Channel Admins
You can use this API call to view all admins for a channel.
To view channel admins.
curl i- -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channel_admins/:channel_url'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"admin_id": "xxxxxx1",
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Richardson",
"bio": "Example bio",
"title": "",
"status": "active"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
channel_url | String | The channel URL |
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_id | String | Admin ID |
first_name | String | Admin first name |
last_name | String | Admin last name |
bio | String | Admin bio |
title | String | Admin title |
status | String | Admin status - can be “active” or “paused” |
bmid | String | Admin ID for download transcript, stats, or admin url |
Add Channel Admin
You can use this API call to add an admin to a channel.
To add an admin to a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channel_admins' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"channel_id" : "your_channel_id", "email":"email@yourdomain.com",
"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "temporary_password":"goodpassword",
"bio": "Hi! This is my bio."}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"admin_id": "new admin id",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"bio": "Hi! This is my bio.",
"title": "My title",
"status": "active",
"bmid": "ad09e8de8b67"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel |
String | Required | The email of the new channel admin | |
first_name | String | Optional | The first name of the new channel admin |
last_name | String | Optional | The last name of the new channel admin |
temporary_password | String | Optional | A temporary password for the new channel admin |
photo_url | String | Optional | The URL to the photo for the admin |
title | String | Optional | Admin title |
bio | String | Optional | Admin bio |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_id | String | Admin ID |
first_name | String | Admin first name |
last_name | String | Admin last name |
bio | String | Admin bio |
title | String | Admin title |
status | String | Admin status - can be “active” or “paused” |
bmid | String | Admin ID for download transcript, stats, or admin url |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Update Channel Admin
You can use this API call to edit and update a channel admin.
To edit an admin to a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channel_admins/xxxxxxx' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{ "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe",
"bio": "Hi! This is my bio."}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"admin_id": "admin_id",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"bio": "Hi! This is my bio."
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
admin_id | String | Required | ID of the admin |
first_name | String | Optional | The first name of the new channel admin |
last_name | String | Optional | The last name of the new channel admin |
photo_url | String | Optional | The URL to the photo for the admin. To remove the photo, pass the value ‘delete’ to this parameter. |
title | String | Optional | Admin title |
bio | String | Optional | Admin bio |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_id | String | Admin ID |
first_name | String | Admin first name |
last_name | String | Admin last name |
bio | String | Admin bio |
title | String | Admin title |
status | String | Admin status - can be “active” or “paused” |
bmid | String | Admin ID for download transcript, stats, or admin url |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Remove Channel Admin
You can use this API call to remove a channel admin.
To remove a channel admin from a channel.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/channel_admins' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"xx": "xx"}'
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
admin_id | String | The ID of the admin |
API-KEY | String | put in request head |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Webinar Reporting
Show Conference Registrations
To get a list of conference registrations.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/registrations/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"country":"United States",
"traffic_source":"Registration Modal",
"on_demand_duration":"0.5 min",
"duration":"62.9 min",
"engaged":"0.7 min",
"question": "xxx",
"answer": "xxx"
"custom_field_1": "response_1",
"custom_field_2": "response_2"
"recording_duration":"1.2 min"
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch |
watched_on_demand | Boolean | Optional | A list of registrants who watched the on-demand recording of the webinar |
attended_live | Boolean | Optional | A list of registrants who attended the webinar live |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Registration ID |
String | Registration email | |
first_name | String | Registration first name |
last_name | String | Registration last name |
BMID | String | Member ID |
coupon | String | Coupon code of the registration |
registration_date | String | Time that registration registerd the conference |
country | String | Country of the registration |
time_zone | String | Time zone of the webinar |
active_consent | String | Active aconsent of the registration |
traffic_source | String | Traffic source of the registration |
referral_domain | String | Referral domain of the registration |
tracking_code | String | Tracking_code of the registration |
attended? | String | Whether to attend the webinar |
watched_on_demand | String | Whether to watch the recording |
on_demand_duration | String | |
duration | String | Number of seconds registration was in conference |
engaged | String | Number of seconds registration was engaged in conference |
chats | Integer | Number of chats registration sent |
qa | Integer | Number of questions registration posted |
polls | Integer | Number of polls registration answered |
polls_info | Array | Polls answered by registration |
rating | Integer | Rating of the registration |
comment | String | Comment of the registration |
banned | String | Banned |
custom_fields | Hash | Custom_fields of the registration |
recording_duration | String | The total time the registrant watched the recording |
live_duration | String | Shows in minutes the length of time the attendee viewed the live webinar |
recording_duration | String | Shows in minute the length of time the attendee viewed the on-demand webinar |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Conference Attendees
To get a list of conference live attendees. This API call is intended for only live, recurring, and evergreen webinars.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/live_attendees/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"attendees": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"country":"United States",
"traffic_source":"Registration Modal",
"on_demand_duration":"0.5 min",
"duration":"62.9 min",
"engaged":"0.7 min",
"question": "xxx",
"answer": "xxx"
"custom_field_1": "response_1",
"custom_field_2": "response_2"
"recording_duration":"1.2 min",
"enter_time": "2022-03-17T13:39:15",
"exit_time": "2022-03-17T13:42:15",
"OS": "desktop",
"browser": "Microsoft Edge",
"downloaded": 3,
"handout_name": [
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Attendees ID |
String | Attendees email | |
first_name | String | Attendees first name |
last_name | String | Attendees last name |
BMID | String | Member ID |
coupon | String | Coupon code of the attendees |
registration_date | String | Time that attendees registerd the conference |
country | String | Country of the attendees |
time_zone | String | Time zone of the webinar |
active_consent | String | Active aconsent of the attendeesf |
traffic_source | String | Traffic source of the attendees |
referral_domain | String | Referral domain of the attendees |
tracking_code | String | Tracking_code of the attendees |
attended? | String | Whether to attend the webinar |
watched_on_demand | String | Whether to watch the recording |
on_demand_duration | String | |
duration | String | Number of seconds attendees was in conference |
engaged | String | Number of seconds attendees was engaged in conference |
chats | Integer | Number of chats attendees sent |
qa | Integer | Number of questions attendees posted |
polls | Integer | Number of polls attendees answered |
polls_info | Array | Polls answered by attendees |
rating | Integer | Rating of the attendees |
comment | String | Comment of the attendees |
banned | String | Banned |
custom_fields | Hash | Custom_fields of the attendees |
recording_duration | String | The total time the attendees watched the recording |
enter_time | String | Time that attendee entered the conference |
exit_time | String | Time that attendee left the conference |
OS | String | Type of device used to attend. Can be “desktop”, “chrome”, or “android”. |
browser | String | Name of browser used |
downloaded | Integer | Number of downloads by attendee |
handout_name | Array | Handouts downloaded by attendee |
live_duration | String | Shows in minutes the length of time the attendee viewed the live webinar |
recording_duration | String | Shows in minute the length of time the attendee viewed the on-demand webinar |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Conference Registrations Who Did Not Attend
To get a list of registrants who did not attend. This API call is intended for only live, recurring, and evergreen webinars.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/no_shows/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"registrations": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"country":"United States",
"traffic_source":"Registration Modal",
"on_demand_duration":"0.5 min",
"duration":"62.9 min",
"engaged":"0.7 min",
"question": "xxx",
"answer": "xxx"
"custom_field_1": "response_1",
"custom_field_2": "response_2"
"recording_duration":"1.2 min"
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Registration ID |
String | Registration email | |
first_name | String | Registration first name |
last_name | String | Registration last name |
BMID | String | Member ID |
coupon | String | Coupon code of the registration |
registration_date | String | Time that registration registerd the conference |
country | String | Country of the registration |
time_zone | String | Time zone of the webinar |
active_consent | String | Active aconsent of the registration |
traffic_source | String | Traffic source of the registration |
referral_domain | String | Referral domain of the registration |
tracking_code | String | Tracking_code of the registration |
attended? | String | Whether to attend the webinar |
watched_on_demand | String | Whether to watch the recording |
on_demand_duration | String | |
duration | String | Number of seconds registration was in conference |
engaged | String | Number of seconds registration was engaged in conference |
chats | Integer | Number of chats registration sent |
qa | Integer | Number of questions registration posted |
polls | Integer | Number of polls registration answered |
polls_info | Array | Polls answered by registration |
rating | Integer | Rating of the registration |
comment | String | Comment of the registration |
banned | String | Banned |
custom_fields | Hash | Custom_fields of the registration |
recording_duration | String | The total time the registrant watched the recording |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Conference Ondemand attendees
To get a list of Ondemand attendees.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/on_demand_attendees/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"attendees": [{
"email": "example.user1@bigmarker.com",
"country":"United States",
"traffic_source":"Registration Modal",
"duration":"62.9 min",
"engaged":"0.7 min",
"question": "xxx",
"answer": "xxx"
"custom_field_1": "response_1",
"custom_field_2": "response_2"
"recording_duration":"1.2 min",
"enter_time": "2022-03-17T13:39:15",
"exit_time": "2022-03-17T13:42:15",
"OS": "desktop",
"browser": "Microsoft Edge",
"downloaded": 3,
"handout_name": [
"watched": "1.0 min",
"view_start_time": "2022-03-17T13:43:30"
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many registrations per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Attendees ID |
String | Attendees email | |
first_name | String | Attendees first name |
last_name | String | Attendees last name |
BMID | String | Member ID |
coupon | String | Coupon code of the attendees |
registration_date | String | Time that attendees registerd the conference |
country | String | Country of the attendees |
time_zone | String | Time zone of the webinar |
active_consent | String | Active aconsent of the attendees |
traffic_source | String | Traffic source of the attendees |
referral_domain | String | Referral domain of the attendees |
tracking_code | String | Tracking_code of the attendees |
attended? | String | Whether to attend the webinar |
duration | String | Number of seconds attendees was in conference |
engaged | String | Number of seconds attendees was engaged in conference |
chats | Integer | Number of chats attendees sent |
qa | Integer | Number of questions attendees posted |
polls | Integer | Number of polls attendees answered |
polls_info | Array | Polls answered by attendees |
rating | Integer | Rating of the attendees |
comment | String | Comment of the attendees |
banned | String | Banned |
custom_fields | Hash | Custom_fields of the attendees |
recording_duration | String | The total time the attendees watched the recording |
enter_time | String | Time that attendee entered the conference |
exit_time | String | Time that attendee left the conference |
OS | String | Type of device used to attend. Can be “desktop”, “chrome”, or “android”. |
browser | String | Name of browser used |
downloaded | Integer | Number of downloads by attendee |
handout_name | Array | Handouts downloaded by attendee |
watched | String | Watch time |
view_start_time | String | Time to start watching |
live_duration | String | Shows in minutes the length of time the attendee viewed the live webinar |
recording_duration | String | Shows in minute the length of time the attendee viewed the on-demand webinar |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show email analytics
To get a list of registrants who did not attend.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/custom_emails/:id/email_analytics -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"per_page": 500,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 200,
"total_pages": 1,
"xxx": [{"recipient": "recipient@email.com",
"recipient_name": "recipient name",
"bmid": "xxxe68xxxx7a",
"conference_id": "deexx8xddxaa",
"subject": "subject",
"action_type": "all, delivered, opened, clicked,suppressed",
"action_time": "2022-10-24T16:24:03+08:00"}]
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many entries per page to fetch |
custom_email_id | String | Required | Custom Email ID. |
date_start | Integer | Optional | The starting date of the analytics report. format: 1667455038672 |
date_end | Integer | Optional | The ending date of the analytics report. format: 1667455038672 |
action_type | String | Optional | The type of activities you want to include in the report. Accepted values are “all” “delivered” “opened” “clicked” and “suppressed”. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
recipient | String | recipient’s email |
recipient_name | String | recipient’s full name |
bmid | String | Member ID |
custom_email_id | String | Custom Email ID |
conference_id | String | Conference ID |
subject | String | subject |
action_type | String | action_type |
action_time | String | action_time |
current_page | Integer | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | How many entries per page to fetch |
total_entries | Integer | The total number of entries |
total_pages | Integer | The total number of pages included in the report. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show suppressed
To get a list of registrants who did not attend.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/custom_emails/:id/suppressions -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"recipient": "recipient@email.com",
"action_type": "all/delivered/opened/clicked/suppressed",
"action_time": "2022-10-24T16:24:03+08:00"
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
custom_email_id | String | Required | Custom Email ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
recipient | String | recipient’s email |
action_type | String | The type of activities you want to include in the report. Accepted values are “all” “delivered” “opened” “clicked” and “suppressed”. |
action_time | String | action_time |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Conference Chats
To get chat transcript of conference.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/chat_transcript/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 500,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"chats": [
"bmid": "xx",
"email": "email",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"chat": "test",
"sendtime": "2022-11-21T13:50:32+08:00"
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many chats per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bmid | String | BigMarker ID of attendee sending chat message |
String | Email address of attendee sending chat message | |
first_name | String | First name of attendee sending chat message |
last_name | String | Last name of attendee sending chat message |
chat | String | Chat message content sent by attendee |
sendtime | String | Time and date of when chat message was sent |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Conference Q&A
To get question transcript of conference.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/q_and_a_transcript/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 500,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"q_and_a": [
"bmid": "xxx",
"email": "email",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"q_and_a": "test",
"sendtime": "2022-11-21T13:53:57+08:00",
"responses": [ ]
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many questions per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bmid | String | BigMarker ID of attendee asking question |
String | Email address of attendee asking question | |
first_name | String | First name of attendee asking question |
last_name | String | Last name of attendee asking question |
q_and_a | String | Question content sent by attendee |
sendtime | String | Time and date of when chat question was asked |
responses | Array | Answers and replies to question |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show event summary
To get event summary.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/event_summary/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"total_live_minutes_watched": 100
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
total_live_minutes_watched | Integer | Total live minutes watched |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Live Attendee Entry and Exit Times
Retrieve a list of entry and exit events for each attendee of a live webinar, detailing the times at which they entered and exited the session..
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/enter_exit_log/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 200,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"activities": [
"bmid": "xxx",
"email": "email",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"activity_type": "enter/exit",
"time": "2024-11-21T13:53:57+08:00",
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many data per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bmid | String | Member ID |
String | Email address | |
first_name | String | First name |
last_name | String | Last name |
activity_type | String | Entry or Exit |
time | String | Webinar entry or exit time |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Retrieve Attendance Monitor Events
Fetch a list of events related to attendance monitoring, including timestamps of participant when the attendance monitor was shown to them and when they clicked on them.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/attendance_monitor_data/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 200,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"activities": [
"bmid": "xxx",
"email": "email",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"activity_type": "ShowPopUp/ClickPopUp",
"time": "2024-11-21T13:53:57+08:00",
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
current_page | Integer | Optional | The page number of the list |
per_page | Integer | Optional | How many data per page to fetch |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
bmid | String | Member ID |
String | Email address | |
first_name | String | First name |
last_name | String | Last name |
activity_type | String | Pop-up show or click |
time | String | Pop-up show or click time |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show Email Statistics Data
Email statistics data.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/custom_emails/email_statistics_data -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"data": [
"email_type": "Invitation Reminder Email",
"email_list": [
"id": "email id",
"sent_to": 10,
"delivery_rate": 74.5,
"bounce_rate": 0,
"open_rate": 100,
"click_rate": 70,
"unsubscribe_rate": 0
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Optional | Conference ID |
custom_email_id | String | Required | Custom Email ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
email_type | String | Email Type |
id | String | Email Id |
sent_to | String | Sent to |
delivery_rate | String | Delivery Rate |
bounce_rate | String | Bounce Rate |
open_rate | String | Open Rate |
click_rate | String | Click Rate |
unsubscribe_rate | String | Unsubscribe Rate |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Channel Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show information related to polls.
You can use this API call to show information related to polls.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/poll_transcript/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"poll_count": 3,
"poll_response_rate": 100,
"id": "poll id",
"question": "poll question",
"poll_responses": [
"fist_name": "first name",
"last_name": "last name",
"bmid": "bmid",
"email": "email",
"choice": "choice_1 choice_2",
"time": "2024-01-26T14:00:19+08:00"
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
multi_answer_polls | Boolean | Optional | A value of ‘True’ returns verbose poll options, helpful when parsing multi-answer poll responses. Defaults to 'False’. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
poll_count | Integer | Number of polls in the webinar |
poll_response_rate | Float | Response rate |
polls | Array | Polls answered by attendee |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Show information related to offers.
You can use this API call to show information related to offers.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/reporting/conferences/offer_transcript/:conference_id -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"cta_pop_up_count": 1,
"cta_pop_up_clicked_count": 1,
"cta_pop_up_clicked_rate": 100,
"offers": [
"id": "offer id",
"offer_name": "offer title",
"offer_data": [
"full_name": "full name",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"bmid": "bmid",
"email": "email",
"source": "Live Webinar",
"time": "2024-01-26T14:06:16+08:00"
Parameter | Type | Required? | Description |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference ID. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
cta_pop_up_count | Integer | Number of offers in the webinar |
cta_pop_up_clicked_count | Integer | Number of offers attendee clicked |
cta_pop_up_clicked_rate | Float | Click rate |
offers | Array | Offers clicked by attendee |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
Conference Permission Denied | 401 | {“error”:“You do not have permission to access or modify this conference”} |
Conference not Found | 404 | {“error”:“The conference you are requesting is not found.”} |
Manage Meeting Space
Create a MeetingSpace
To create a new meeting_space.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/meeting_spaces' -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"channel_id": "your_channel_id","title": "This is your meeting space title"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx",
"title": "Title",
"url": "https://meeting069999.bigmarker.net",
"knock_to_enter": "Open",
"auto_share_camera": true,
"display_dial_in": false,
You can use this API call to create a new meeting space for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
channel_id | String | Required | ID of the channel that the MeetingSpace will be created for. |
title | String | Required | Title of the MeetingSpace, up to 70 characters. |
url | String | Required | Subdomain for your MeetingSpace URL. Your final MeetingSpace URL will have the format of: [your-subdomain].meetingspace.io. |
knock_to_enter | String | Optional | Sets whether users need to knock before entering MeetingSpace. Acceptable values: ‘Open’, 'Closed’. Defaults to: “Open”. |
auto_share_camera | Boolean | Optional | Sets whether MeetingSpace guests are prompted for microphone and camera on entry. Defaults to: true. |
display_dial_in | Boolean | Optional | Sets whether dial-in information is listed inside of MeetingSpace. Defaults to false. |
meeting_style | String | Optional | Sets the style of the MeetingSpace. Acceptable values: 'Classic’, 'New_experience’. Defaults to: “New_experience”. |
logo | String | Optional | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace logo. |
logo_url | String | Optional | A URL that users will be directed to when they click on the MeetingSpace logo. |
background_image | String | Optional | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace background. |
preview_image | String | Optional | A URL to an image shown when sharing the MeetingSpace URL. |
String | Optional | Email address of the meetingspace owner. | |
first_name | String | Optional | First Name of the MeetingSpace Owner. |
last_name | String | Optional | Last name of the MeetingSpace Owner. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Meeting Space id |
title | String | Title of the MeetingSpace |
url | String | Subdomain for your MeetingSpace URL. |
knock_to_enter | String | Users need to knock before entering MeetingSpace. |
auto_share_camera | Boolean | MeetingSpace guests are prompted for microphone and camera on entry. |
display_dial_in | Boolean | dial-in information. |
meeting_style | String | Style of the MeetingSpace. |
logo | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace logo. |
logo_url | String | A URL that users will be directed to when they click on the MeetingSpace logo. |
background_image | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace background. |
preview_image | String | A URL to an image shown when sharing the MeetingSpace URL. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Show MeetingSpace
show MeetingSpace.
curl https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/meeting_spaces/:meeting_space_id/ -i -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx",
"title": "Title",
"url": "https://meeting069999.bigmarker.net",
"knock_to_enter": "Open",
"auto_share_camera": true,
"display_dial_in": false,
You can use this API call to create a new meeting space for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Meeting Space id |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Meeting Space id |
title | String | Title of the MeetingSpace |
url | String | Subdomain for your MeetingSpace URL. |
knock_to_enter | String | Users need to knock before entering MeetingSpace. |
auto_share_camera | Boolean | MeetingSpace guests are prompted for microphone and camera on entry. |
display_dial_in | Boolean | dial-in information. |
meeting_style | String | Style of the MeetingSpace. |
logo | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace logo. |
logo_url | String | A URL that users will be directed to when they click on the MeetingSpace logo. |
background_image | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace background. |
preview_image | String | A URL to an image shown when sharing the MeetingSpace URL. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Update a MeetingSpace
To update a new meeting_space.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/meeting_spaces/:meeting_space_id' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"title": "This is your meeting space title"}'
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "xxxxxx",
"title": "Title",
"url": "https://meeting069999.bigmarker.net",
"knock_to_enter": "Open",
"auto_share_camera": true,
"display_dial_in": false,
You can use this API call to create a new meeting space for your channel.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | Meeting Space id |
title | String | Required | Title of the MeetingSpace, up to 70 characters. |
url | String | Required | Subdomain for your MeetingSpace URL. Your final MeetingSpace URL will have the format of: [your-subdomain].meetingspace.io. |
knock_to_enter | String | Optional | Sets whether users need to knock before entering MeetingSpace. Acceptable values: ‘Open’, 'Closed’. Defaults to: “Open”. |
auto_share_camera | Boolean | Optional | Sets whether MeetingSpace guests are prompted for microphone and camera on entry. Defaults to: true. |
display_dial_in | Boolean | Optional | Sets whether dial-in information is listed inside of MeetingSpace. Defaults to false. |
meeting_style | String | Optional | Sets the style of the MeetingSpace. Acceptable values: 'Classic’, 'New_experience’. Defaults to: “New_experience”. |
logo | String | Optional | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace logo. |
logo_url | String | Optional | A URL that users will be directed to when they click on the MeetingSpace logo. |
background_image | String | Optional | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace background. |
preview_image | String | Optional | A URL to an image shown when sharing the MeetingSpace URL. |
String | Optional | Email address of the meetingspace owner. | |
first_name | String | Optional | First Name of the MeetingSpace Owner. |
last_name | String | Optional | Last name of the MeetingSpace Owner. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Meeting Space id |
title | String | Title of the MeetingSpace |
url | String | Subdomain for your MeetingSpace URL. |
knock_to_enter | String | Users need to knock before entering MeetingSpace. |
auto_share_camera | Boolean | MeetingSpace guests are prompted for microphone and camera on entry. |
display_dial_in | Boolean | dial-in information. |
meeting_style | String | Style of the MeetingSpace. |
logo | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace logo. |
logo_url | String | A URL that users will be directed to when they click on the MeetingSpace logo. |
background_image | String | A URL to an image for the MeetingSpace background. |
preview_image | String | A URL to an image shown when sharing the MeetingSpace URL. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Manage registration block list
get emails from the list
To get emails from the list
curl -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/registration_block_list/:conference_id --data "emails=test@test.com,test1@test.com,test2@test.com,test3@test.com&list_type=allow_list"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"per_page": 500,
"current_page": 1,
"total_entries": 6,
"total_pages": 1,
"list": [
"email": "test@test.com",
"created_at": "2022-12-20T14:30:11+08:00"
"email": "test1@test.com",
"created_at": "2022-12-20T14:30:11+08:00"
"email": "test2@test.com",
"created_at": "2022-12-20T14:30:11+08:00"
You can use this API call to get emails to block list & allow list.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference ID |
list_type | String | Required | Accept values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’,'block_except_list’, 'allow_except_list’ |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
remove emails to the list
To remove emails to the list.
curl -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/registration_block_list/:conference_id --data "emails=test@test.com,test1@test.com,test2@test.com,test3@test.com&list_type=allow_list"
You can use this API call to remove emails block list & allow list.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference ID |
list_type | String | Required | Accept values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’,'block_except_list’, 'allow_except_list’ |
emails | String | Required | the emails that you want to add to list. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
add emails to the list
To add emails to the list.
curl -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/registration_block_list/:conference_id --data "emails=test@test.com,test1@test.com,test2@test.com,test3@test.com&list_type=allow_list"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
You can use this API call to add emails to block list & allow list.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference ID |
list_type | String | Required | Accept values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’,'block_except_list’, 'allow_except_list’ |
emails | String | Required | the emails that you want to add to list. |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
enable block list & allow list
To enable block list & allow list.
curl -i -X POST -H "API-KEY:xxxxxx" https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/registration_block_list/enable/:conference_id --data "list_type=block_list"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
You can use this API call to enable block list & allow list.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
conference_id | String | Required | Conference ID |
list_type | String | Required | the list that you want to enable.Accept values: ‘block_list’, 'allow_list’ |
Error Response
Status | Type | Message |
401 | channel_permission_denied | You do not have permission to access this channel. |
404 | channel_not_found | The channel you are requesting is not found. |
Manage Channel polls
Create polls
You can use this API call to create polls of your conference.
create polls belonging to your conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/polls' -i -X POSTT -H "API-KEY:xxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{
"conference_id": "conference id",
"selection_method": "single",
"question": "question title",
"set_display_question": true,
"display_question": "seperate question",
"attendee_can_select_answer_number": "2",
"allow_answer_poll_on_landing_page": true,
"allow_user_to_skip_poll": true,
"display_as_slide_out": true,
"attendee_can_view_poll_results": true,
"show_in_recording_player": true,
"poll_close_time": "2024-010-30",
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "id",
"club_profile_id": "club_id",
"selection_method": "single",
"question": "question title",
"status": "queue",
"choices": [
"id": "id",
"choice": "option1"
"id": "id",
"choice": "option2"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
conference_id | String | Required | Your conference id. | |
question | String | Required | Poll question. | |
selection_method | String | Optional | Poll selection method. values: [“single”, “multi”, “score”, “short_answer”] | |
choices | Array | Optional | Response options. | |
set_display_question | Boolean | Optional | Show a different question (Use original question above for reporting and CRM integration). | |
display_question | String | String | Different question title (Use original question above for reporting and CRM integration). | |
attendee_can_select_answer_number | Integer | Optional | Audience can select the number of answer. | |
allow_answer_poll_on_landing_page | Boolean | Optional | Your conference id. | |
allow_user_to_skip_poll | Boolean | Optional | Allow attendees to skip this poll. | |
display_as_slide_out | Boolean | Optional | Display poll as slide out. | |
attendee_can_view_poll_results | Boolean | Optional | Attendees can view poll results (Percentage Only). | |
show_in_recording_player | Boolean | Optional | Add this poll in the recording player. | |
poll_close_time | DateTime | Optional | Poll close time. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Update polls
You can use this API call to update polls of your conference.
update polls belonging to your conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/polls' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{
"poll_id": "poll id",
"selection_method": "single",
"question": "question title",
"set_display_question": true,
"display_question": "seperate question",
"attendee_can_select_answer_number": "2",
"allow_answer_poll_on_landing_page": true,
"allow_user_to_skip_poll": true,
"display_as_slide_out": true,
"attendee_can_view_poll_results": true,
"show_in_recording_player": true,
"poll_close_time": "2024-010-30",
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"id": "id",
"club_profile_id": "club_id",
"selection_method": "single",
"question": "question title",
"status": "queue",
"choices": [
"id": "id",
"choice": "option1"
"id": "id",
"choice": "option2"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
poll_id | String | Required | Your poll id. | |
question | String | Optional | Poll question. | |
selection_method | String | Optional | Poll selection method. values: [“single”, “multi”, “score”, “short_answer”] | |
choices | Array | Optional | Response options. | |
set_display_question | Boolean | Optional | Show a different question (Use original question above for reporting and CRM integration). | |
display_question | String | String | Different question title (Use original question above for reporting and CRM integration). | |
attendee_can_select_answer_number | Integer | Optional | Audience can select the number of answer. | |
allow_answer_poll_on_landing_page | Boolean | Optional | Your conference id. | |
allow_user_to_skip_poll | Boolean | Optional | Allow attendees to skip this poll. | |
display_as_slide_out | Boolean | Optional | Display poll as slide out. | |
attendee_can_view_poll_results | Boolean | Optional | Attendees can view poll results (Percentage Only). | |
show_in_recording_player | Boolean | Optional | Add this poll in the recording player. | |
poll_close_time | DateTime | Optional | Poll close time. |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Delete polls
You can use this API call to delete poll of your conference.
open/reopen/close polls belonging to your conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/polls' -i -X DELETE -H "API-KEY:xxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
poll_id | String | Optional | poll id |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Open polls
You can use this API call to open/reopen/close polls of your conference.
open/reopen/close polls belonging to your conference.
curl 'https://www.bigmarker.com/api/v1/polls' -i -X PUT -H "API-KEY:xxx" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"status":"success","message":"Successfully opened xx,xx polls"}
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Values |
API-KEY | String | Required | Put api_token in the header | |
conference_id | String | Optional | Your conference id. | |
poll_ids | String | Optional | Poll ids of your confernce. “xx,xx,xx” | |
action | String | Required | Your conference id. values: [‘close’, 'open’, 'reopen’] |
Error Response
Type | Status | Message |
Unauthorized | 401 | {“error”:“Missing or invalid API key.”} |
URL Error | 404 | {“error”:“Not Found!”} |
Time Zones
Please use the following time zones values in creating and editing conferences.
Time zone |
International Date Line West |
Midway Island |
American Samoa |
Hawaii |
Alaska |
Pacific Time (US & Canada) |
Tijuana |
Mountain Time (US & Canada) |
Arizona |
Chihuahua |
Mazatlan |
Central Time (US & Canada) |
Saskatchewan |
Guadalajara |
Mexico City |
Monterrey |
Central America |
Eastern Time (US & Canada) |
Indiana (East) |
Bogota |
Lima |
Quito |
Atlantic Time (Canada) |
Caracas |
La Paz |
Santiago |
Newfoundland |
Brasilia |
Buenos Aires |
Georgetown |
Greenland |
Mid-Atlantic |
Azores |
Cape Verde Is. |
Dublin |
Edinburgh |
Lisbon |
London |
Casablanca |
Monrovia |
Belgrade |
Bratislava |
Budapest |
Ljubljana |
Prague |
Sarajevo |
Skopje |
Warsaw |
Zagreb |
Brussels |
Copenhagen |
Madrid |
Paris |
Amsterdam |
Berlin |
Bern |
Rome |
Stockholm |
Vienna |
West Central Africa |
Bucharest |
Cairo |
Helsinki |
Kyiv |
Riga |
Sofia |
Tallinn |
Vilnius |
Athens |
Istanbul |
Minsk |
Jerusalem |
Harare |
Pretoria |
Moscow |
St. Petersburg |
Volgograd |
Kuwait |
Riyadh |
Nairobi |
Baghdad |
Tehran |
Abu Dhabi |
Muscat |
Baku |
Tbilisi |
Yerevan |
Kabul |
Ekaterinburg |
Islamabad |
Karachi |
Tashkent |
Chennai |
Kolkata |
Mumbai |
New Delhi |
Kathmandu |
Astana |
Dhaka |
Sri Jayawardenepura |
Almaty |
Novosibirsk |
Rangoon |
Bangkok |
Hanoi |
Jakarta |
Krasnoyarsk |
Beijing |
Chongqing |
Hong Kong |
Urumqi |
Kuala Lumpur |
Singapore |
Taipei |
Perth |
Irkutsk |
Ulaan Bataar |
Seoul |
Osaka |
Sapporo |
Tokyo |
Yakutsk |
Darwin |
Adelaide |
Canberra |
Melbourne |
Sydney |
Brisbane |
Hobart |
Vladivostok |
Guam |
Port Moresby |
Magadan |
Solomon Is. |
New Caledonia |
Fiji |
Kamchatka |
Marshall Is. |
Auckland |
Wellington |
Nuku'alofa |
Tokelau Is. |
Samoa |
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – The format of your request is not acceptable |
401 | Unauthorized – Your API key is invalid |
403 | Forbidden – The channel you are trying to access is not accessible to you |
406 | Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json |
500 | Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |